Dreamcricket USA News

Survey & petition call on USA cricket stakeholders to give opinions on current leadership

2011 Oct 12 by DreamCricket USA

An independent survey has been emailed to numerous stakeholders around the country soliciting their opinions on numerous events that have taken place over the last few months in the world of US cricket.

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By Peter Della Penna

An independent survey has been emailed to numerous stakeholders around the country soliciting their opinions on numerous events that have taken place over the last few months in the world of US cricket. The nine question form is done through the Survey Monkey web site and can be taken by clicking here or by copy and pasting the following text into your URL bar.


Among the questions in the survey are “Do you believe President Dainty has the constitutional authority to suspend a board member without approval from a majority of the board members?” as well as “Do you feel that ICC should get involved in USACA matters or should USACA resolve its own issues internally?” Survey respondents can request to remain anonymous.

Separately, an unknown cricket supporter going by the handle of “Cricket Janata” has started a petition asking the ICC to “Look into USA Cricket”. The petition’s mission for soliciting signatures states that, “The so called ‘official board of the United States (USACA) is the biggest farce around. Plagued by internal politics, corrupt officials and a group of narcissists, Cricket in the USA has been reduced to nothing more than a game of musical chairs! The so called board elections have been going on forever, the local level cricket is filled with totally incompetent people at the helm and the ICC is adopting a symbolic ‘Don’t Ask Won’t Tell’ Policy to this. We need an intervention!’” The petition is hosted by Change.org and can be accessed here. or by copy and pasting the following text into your URL bar.
